Installing the latest NowSignage Android APK (5.0.33)

Installing the latest NowSignage Android APK


Minimum Android Specs:

- Android 5.1 or above (preference for Android 8 and above)

- Dual-core processor or above (preference for quad-core processor or above)

- 2 GB of RAM or above (preferably 4 GB of RAM or above)

- 8 GB of storage or above (preferably 32 GB of storage or above)

- VP9 codec support



Before installing version 5.0 or later, make sure to uninstall and completely remove any previous versions (3.0 or below) from the device. Neglecting this step may lead to issues with the app not updating properly.


To download the app directly from our content delivery network:

  • Open a web browser on the Android device. It may be called “Browser”, “Web Browser” or “Chrome”.
  • Click and drag the notification area icon down to reveal the “NowSignage.apk” notification message and click on it.

You will be presented with an option to install the Nowsignage app:

  • Click “Install” and then “Open” once the app is installed.

Alternatively, you can download the APK onto your desktop, transfer to a USB drive and install via USB on the Android player. Methods will vary depending on the Android player, however you can usually install via USB by accessing either the 'APK Installer' or 'File Explorer'.


Please Note: Once the app is installed, please ensure that the device has network connection and that the date/time settings are correct before entering in your screen PIN.


Android 10 (and above):

For devices running Android 10 and above, after installing the app, please go into the settings and enable the following permission to allow NowSignage to 'display over other apps':

This will allow the app to autoboot upon a full restart of the Android device. 

Please note: NowSignage will auto-boot by default on all devices running Android 5.1 - Android 9.0, so this is only applicable for devices running Android 10 and above.


Related Content - Information and installation for Android RDM - click the link below for more information


NowSignage App Troubleshooting




Possible Causes: (in order of relevance)

1. There is no internet or network connection to the device.

2. Date/time is incorrectly set on the device.


3. The app could not communicate with the NowSignage API.

4. The PIN code is not associated with a Screen



1. Ensure the device has a working internet connection, use the device's web browser or other internet-based apps to confirm connectivity.

2. Go into the date/time settings and set it to the current correct date/time.

3. Ensure the requests are not being blocked by a corporate firewall. Please see our firewall rules guidance.

4. Ensure the correct PIN code has been added by verifying within the NowSignage platform. (check for additional character spaces entered in error)



If none of the above solutions resolve, we would recommend reverting back to the previous version (3.2.9) -