Installing the NowSignage App for Windows


Minimum Windows Specs:

- Windows 8 or above, 64bit (preference for Windows 10, 64bit)

- Dual-core processor or above (preference for quad-core processor or above)

- 2 GB of RAM or above (preferably 8 GB of RAM or above)

- 32 GB of storage or above (preference for 64 GB of storage or above)

To install NowSignage on a compatible Windows PC, you should download the NowSignage installer from our CDN, the address is found below:

This installer will download and install the Windows-compatible version of NowSignage to your PC.


1. How to exit the NowSignage application:

If using version 5.0.0 and above, the application will automatically reboot if it is manually exited/stopped. To fully exit the application, you can press ALT+F5 on your keyboard and this will exit the application.

2. How to NowSignage to boot automatically upon start up:

To set up NowSignage to boot upon start up of Windows, you will need to add NowSignage to your list of start up applications within the Windows settings (Please note - this method will differ depending on the version of Windows you are using):


Window 10 Guidance: 


3. Automatically set the PIN and launch in full-screen:

If using version 5.0.0 and above:

After you have entered in the NowSignage PIN, this will automatically store to the application, so if the application is rebooted at any stage, this will automatically launch and display the content.

If using any version lower than 5.0.0, please follow the steps below to allow the PIN to automatically be set in the application:

To automatically load a PIN onto NowSignage for Windows, right-click the shortcut on your desktop and select "Properties".

The "Target" field should have the address of the NowSignage.exe file, after NowSignage.exe, you can add your pin using --pin=<YOUR_PIN>. (i.e. [...]\NowSignage.exe --pin=11812).


Similarly, you can set NowSignage to automatically load in full-screen mode by adding --fullscreen after NowSignage.exe within the "Target" field on the "NowSignage Properties" window.


4. How to clear the NowSignage application cache:

  • PC > Local Disk > Users > "The User" > AppData > Roaming > nowsignage > Local Storage > leveldb
  • Delete the leveldb file and restart


FAQ - Windows 11 fullscreen Guidance:

  • Run the app in maximised mode

You can also configure the app to always open in full-screen mode by tweaking its properties on your desktop. Here is how:

1. Create a shortcut for the app on your desktop

2. Right-click on it and select Properties.

3. Enter the Shortcut tab.

4. Select Run and chose Maximised from the list of available options.

5. Click Apply and Ok to save the changes.