The ‘social media’ section of NowSignage CMS lets users upload custom ‘social images’ to send messages to screens, storing all posts within the CMS.
Functionality explanation:
In the ‘social media’ section of the NowSignage CMS, users can upload ‘social images,’ which are custom posts created by users. This functionality allows the manual sending of text or image messages to screens using a social media template. All user-generated posts are stored within the social images section of the CMS.
Within this feature it is possible to extract all social posts into a CSV file. This functionality enables users to audit their activity and evaluate engagement levels across various sites.
Steps to set up:
To export social image data to a CSV file, follow these steps:
1. In your NowSignage project, navigate to Content > Social Media > Social Images.
2. Click ‘Export social images to CSV’
After initiating this action, the generation of the CSV will occur in the background. Upon completion, the requesting user will receive an email from NowSignage with the attached CSV file.
- Post created at date
- Post created at time
- Published Feeds (this contains the list of social feeds the post has been published to)
- Title of post
- Content within post (the text within the post)
- Image name
Note: If any fields contain no data they will show a ‘-’, for example, if the post has no image, instead of the image name it will say ‘-’.