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How To Add a RSS Ticker To A Screen

Displaying a RSS ticker on your digital signage screens

Adding a RSS ticker to your screen display has never been easier. Keep customers and staff informed with the latest news feeds.

With NowSignage, you can customise the ticker to suit your needs. Choose from a variety of default popular news feeds, including the option for custom rss feeds, styles, positioning and colours using the full RGB colour picker. 

The RSS Widget is compatible on the following app versions:

  • NowSignage App version 5.0.29 and above for:
  • Android
  • Windows
  • MAC
  • Other operating systems will be supported in early 2025.


Please Note: The RSS Widget is only compatible on a live screen. It is not supported in preview mode or with the web-based player. (play.nowsignage.com) - 

Screenshot 2025-02-12 at 15.44.42

Steps to setup the RSS ticker widget:

  • Click into the Screens menu from the left hand menu options.

Screenshot 2024-12-16 at 15.31.14

  • Click on the Screen you wish to add the RSS Widget on.
  • Click the 'Widgets' menu option from the top menu list options
  • Click the toggle switch to enable the RSS Ticker widget:

  • Click the Manage button to set the desired configuration for the rss ticker:

Overview of configuration options:

  • Source - Click into the dropdown to see a list of pre-configured popular rss feeds (BBC etc). Optional: If you select 'custom' you can input your own custom RSS feed by pasting the URL into the 'RSS Feed URL' area.
  • Refresh Interval - This is how often you'd like the RSS feed to refresh to fetch the latest data available from the feeds provider.
  • Position - Top/Bottom - this will change where the ticker is positioned on your screen.
  • Position Offset - The defaults at 0. The size must be between 0 and 80. This is optional and should only be amended if you wish to move the tickers position slightly away from the top or the bottom of the screen.
  • Font Size - The defaults at 18px. The size must be between 12px and 48px.
  • Text Speed - Low/Medium/High (low is the slowest and high is the quickest).
  • Ticker (Colours) - Use the RGB colour pallet to change the background and the foreground (text) colours of the ticker.
  • Show Feed Title - This is an optional toggle to show the title of the RSS feed.
  • Feed Title (Colours) - Use the RGB colour pallet to change the background and the foreground (text) colours of the feeds title in the ticker.
  • Once you are happy with the configuration, click the 'update' button to save the changes.

Please Note: If you make any changes to the rss ticker widget settings after your screen is live, please reboot the NowSignage application for the changes to take affect.

Troubleshooting / Q&A


Q. I've set up the RSS ticker, but it is not displaying on the screen. 

A. Please ensure your device is in the support device listed above, and is running NowSignage App version 5.0.27 or above.


Q. I'm running the supported app version yet the RSS ticker is not displaying on the screen.

A. If you have enabled this after the app has been activated, please reboot the NowSignage app for the changes to take affect. Also, if using a 'custom' RSS URL, please check that the URL is valid as if the URL is not valid, then the ticker will not render.


Q. I've set up the RSS ticker, but it is not displaying on the screen. 

A. In some cases the URL of the RSS feed may be blocked by your internal network/firewall and will not appear on screen. You can test this by connecting your device to a mobile hotspot, please see here for more information - checking-network-connection-using-mobile-hotspot