Our hardware agnostic approach means that our award-winning NowSignage application can be easily installed onto a wide variety of compatible media players and System-on-Chip (SoC) displays while maintaining the highest performance.
Once the NowSignage application is installed on to a compatible device, to access content that powers the digital signage, we require access from the host network to various endpoints and URLs operated by NowSignage. As such, outbound routes will need to be available to api.nowsignage.com and media.nowsignage.com. We will only perform HTTP connections via SSL/TLS (HTTPS) and will require port 443 is accessible on the domains stated above.
NowSignage is designed to be data-efficient by automatically compressing the file sizes of images and videos. Content is only played once it has been fully downloaded, allowing most media to be stored locally on the device. This approach minimises the need for constant data streaming over the network, significantly reducing overall bandwidth consumption.
We generally recommend and minimum network requirement of 5mbps download speed, however if you are live streaming IPTV or real-time dashboards then a stronger and more stable connection is advisable. If for security purposes a digital signage hardware device has been configured via a proxy server, then access to the NowSignage application should still be achievable as NowSignage does not block proxys from accessing our CDN.
Firewall Rules: Ensure the following URL's are permitted.
EU Platform:
- api.nowsignage.com
- media.nowsignage.com
- pop.nowsignage.com (if using proof of play)
- cloudfront-media.nowsignage.com (if using Samsung Tizen displays)
For accessing content triggers, please ensure that the WebSocket protocol endpoint <wss://hzu0g87zc0.execute-api.eu-west1.amazonaws.com/production> is whitelisted in your network settings.
Middle East Platform URL's that require whitelisting:
- api.me-central-1.nowsignage.com
- media.me-central-1.nowsignage.com
- pop.me-central-1.nowsignage.com (if using proof of play)
- cloudfront-media.me-central-1.nowsignage.com (if using Samsung Tizen displays)
NowSignage is compatible with hardware that meets the following minimum specification:
● Android: v5.1 or above
● LG WebOS Signage: v3.2 or above
● BrightSign: HD, XT & LS Ranges
● Windows: Windows 8 or above (64 Bit)
● MAC: OS X 10.10 Yosemite and above
● Samsung Tizen: SSSPv6+ & Tizen 4.0 +
● Web URL: Any modern web browser (Chrome)